



Owen’s Profile:(欧文的个人档案)                                    

Nickname:Indoorsman         English name:Owen  Lee

Height:178cm        Weight:75Kg        Zodiac:Cock        constellation:Virgo

Occupation:Network Engineer,Website Designer,IT manager       Blog:https://movie.en580.com

Hobby:Playing Table tennis, Badminton, Practising Calligraphy,
Blogging on my site, Traveling around, Keen to cook soup, A big fan of American TV-series and Europen movies.

Motto:Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!

My favorite dishes:Plain-fried broccoli, Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers, Crucian turnip soup,

Several English songs I have confidence to sing: Love story, Can you feel the love tonight,Vincent, Yellow

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Contace me through–>MSN:owenlee@live.cn  Email:owenlee@en580.com


  1. 支持博主!谢谢欧文的分享,我是学英语的,这个博客对我很有帮助~

    郑家晖 回复
  2. 你好,很喜欢这个网站,请问有些要密码的?

  3. It is so kind of you to set up such a webset.It is very helpful for the learning English.Thanks a lot.

    Lanfang Feng 回复
  4. 谢谢博主!

  5. 支持博主!

    拇指人1991 回复
  6. 博主好厉害!

    拇指人1991 回复
  7. owen, 我想把视频下载下来,可是都要淘宝付费!!!在公司耳塞不能用,又不能下载,求指点!

    • 以后会针对本站赞助会员提供打包下载服务,Thanks in advance for your kind support!

      owenlee 回复
  8. 博主真好,以后学英语就这个站了

    唐阿僧 回复
  9. 支持

    左右逢源 回复
  10. 能提供下《乌云背后的幸福线》的切换字幕或无字幕版本么,没有这个电影啊,特别喜欢这个电影

    陈赫然 回复
  11. 最近很喜欢爱在三部曲,恳请您分享一下纯英文字幕的爱在黎明破晓前、爱在黄昏日落时、爱在午夜降临前。

    Michael Chan 回复
    • 爱在三部曲高清MP4(纯英文字幕)与可切换字幕版本已经制作完成:http://www.en580.com/down_376.html

      owenlee 回复
  12. Hi Owen,thank you so much for your blog!

    by the way is there any guy who have the LCR for the movie “Forever” ?

    huang dong 回复
    • Are you mentioning the American TV Series? ‘Cos, I have no idea there’s a movie by the name “forever”!

      owenlee 回复

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