
一月 6th, 2014

Finding my voice

Owen的碎碎念, by owenlee.

Somehow, a strong sense of impulsion have been flooding around heart. No matter how hard I’m trying to be like an easygoing earthling, but I found it is impossible to keep down that kind of subtile voice from the bottom of my heart. Am I incorrigible? I don’t know, what I am intending to do is to keep on challenging myself until all those nuts out of the window.

Every now and then, people just enjoying show their sunny side out of the top drawer while hiding the shadow inside themsleves. Once I am one of them, but won’t be any longer from now on.

As a matter of fact, I am not a saint and even don’t have the credits to become like a noble. fortunately, I can march on my own feet, I can talk, with my dog, I can think, through my soul, I can joke, in my blog. That’s how 阿Q found he voice, but not me,Otherwise, LuXun would never have a good night in his little tomb since he devote all his life into expostulate.

Anyway, I can’t find my voice currently, but still I found a sense of humor, right?

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