
一月 6th, 2014

Be sure positive attitude always in your mind

Owen的碎碎念, by owenlee.

You have Mr Positive and Mr Negative doing constant battle in your head. Guess who wins? The one you feed the most! If your head is in the sand you can only see the dark and Mr Negative will thrive. To see the light, you must look up.

“When you are knocked down, be sure to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up.” (Nelson Mandela)

If you are an ostrich and have never faced a setback, you need to learn these facts about solving problems first:

Face it! Confront the problem and get the picture clear.

Rake it! Work through your denial, aggression or depression around the problem.

Make it! Look up, stand up and take action.

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