
一月 6th, 2014

The most embarrassing day

1 Comment, Owen的碎碎念, by owenlee.

When I was 13 in Junior One, I was one of the top-rank student in our class and appointed as a commissioner in charge of chinese, A girl by the name of GuoYang, she’s the team leader, and also in charge of chinese, she had svelte shape, long-silken …

You have Mr Positive and Mr Negative doing constant battle in your head. Guess who wins? The one you feed the most! If your head is in the sand you can only see the dark and Mr Negative will thrive. To see the light, you must look up. “When you are …

一月 6th, 2014

Finding my voice

No Comments, Owen的碎碎念, by owenlee.

Somehow, a strong sense of impulsion have been flooding around heart. No matter how hard I’m trying to be like an easygoing earthling, but I found it is impossible to keep down that kind of subtile voice from the bottom of my heart. Am I incorrigibl…

 看电影美剧学英语有很多的人提出过,其中不乏大牌专家和优秀学者,不过系统研究这套理论及体系的人很少,能够长篇大论讲干货的人更是凤毛麟角。本人不才,从2008年至今将近6年的时间,一直在研习这门“语林绝学”,到目前为止积累了一些方法和心得,也算是小有斩获,现就看电影美剧学英语的相关理论与实践结合,与大家共同分享和探讨: 看电影美剧学英语的优势:   电影美剧里面的用词地道、生活化、更能广泛被大众使用与认可。   接合电影的图像、语音以及演员的表情、手势和字幕文字,可以通过多个层面来加深记忆,耳濡目染的效果总…

各位同仁志士以及英语电影爱好者们,大家好!欢迎来到英语我帮您站长Owenlee的个人博客。通过这篇文章你将更好地了解到英语我帮您这个网站,以及站长Owenlee,以及本博客的定位和发展方向。 英语我帮您网站名称灵感来源于中国移动的12580(一按我帮您),en580.com这个域名既容易记住,又方便输入,本域名已被纳入本人最值得投入的固定资产之一。 EN580.com的创办宗旨就是要名副其实,真实做到:『英语我帮您』,这五个字敲出来简单,但要真正做到很难,从2008年11月12日网站上线至今,其间有过不下…