奥斯卡影帝尼古拉斯.凯奇出演电影Lord of War《战争之王》,尽显经典男人的深度与沉稳、彪悍及伟岸
军火商尤瑞(尼古拉斯.凯奇所饰)以一种平静、超脱的口吻向大家讲述了一段段惊心动魂、摧人肺腑的故事。作为一个商人,尤瑞将销售军火比作是卖真空 吸尘器,然而,随着剧情的展开和故事的深入,一幅幅惨烈画面和一群群麻木不仁的匪徒,向我们揭露了战争的原罪和其背后一双无形的手。
尼古拉斯.凯奇果真是名副其实的奥斯卡影帝,他将一个介于黑白之间的军火商人演绎得让宅男的整个身心都徘徊在一片灰色地带。最后不厌其烦地提醒自己:“Never go to war, especially with yourself.”
Bullets change governments far surer than vote…
This’s no place for amateurs. (这里不是玩票的人该来的。)
amateur:n.外行, 业余爱好者
Motherfucker! Curious how you always revert to your native tongue in moment of extreme anger and ecstasy.
revert:vi.恢复, 回复, 归还
E.G.1 He reverted to smoking when under stress.(他因受到压力又恢复了吸烟的习惯。)
E.G.2 3.After her divorce she reverted to her maiden name.(她离婚后又重新使用娘家的姓。)
ecstasy:n. 狂喜, 入迷 (如果大写,一般特指摇头丸。)
E.G.1. He listened to the music with ecstasy.(他听音乐听得入神。)
E.G.2. I was in ecstasy at the thought of premiering the new season of Desperate Housewives this evening.
I had a flair for languages…but I soon discovered that what talks best is dollars, dinars, drachmas, rubees, and the pounds-fucking-sterling.
had a flair for sth:对某事物有天赋
E.G. I had a flair for computer.(我对电脑有天赋)
翻译:我虽有点儿语言天才…但很快发现,谈美元、第纳尔、德拉克马、卢比、卢布、英镑…这些才是最有说服力的。(这段用绿色标明的文字让我联想到中国的一句俗话:“有钱好办事”,即“Money talks”。)
The U.S. army get a peice of the action.(美国陆军也插了一脚。)
A peice of the action:『defination』:means that someone wants to be involved in some popular or beneficial social activity. (为获得利益参与某事)
E.G.1 Due to the team’s success in recent games ticket sales have soared, and it seems everyone wants a piece of the action. – (Meaning lots of people want to see the team.)
E.G.2 Studying online is more convenient and often more interesting, so it’s not surprising that the number of students who want a piece of the action is growing rapidly. – (Meaning more and more students want to study online.)
Selling guns is like selling vacuum cleaners, you make call, pound the pavements, take orders…
pound the pavements:(找工作或寻找经济支助,在这里意指谈价格。)
E.G.1. 『to look for a job』 Mary had children to feed, so she kept pounding the pavement until she finally landed a job at a burger restaurant.
E.G.2. 『to look for money or support』 She’s been going out and pounding the pavement, raising money for research. Day after day, they pound the pavement, hoping to share a message about their religious faith.